Free lesson



Krämer Language Academy is the fruit of our passion for discovering other cultures and learning foreign languages. It was exactly the sincere interest in the language as well as openness to the world and people that were the most important criteria for us at the stage of selecting the teaching staff. We were looking for people who, apart from an excellent workshop and impressive experience, would lead our students with empathy and professionalism to better knowledge of a foreign language.

Professional native speakers from all over the world

We know that the best teacher is one who draws from his own experiences. Each of our teachers has their own individual relationship with the language they teach, which translates into the comfort and attractiveness of their classes.

We also want each of our students to have the opportunity to personally mentor the teacher in order to achieve the desired results in a short time.


Charisma, openness, experience, and great workshop are the hallmarks of Krämer Language Academy teachers. 

Let’s get to know them closer:

Natalia F.

Natalia F.





Jessica J.

Jessica J.

english, german, japanese




Natalia S.

Natalia S.

























russian, polish







Natalia M.

Natalia M.








Jessica P.

Jessica P.




english, german
















Natalia K.

Natalia K.




english, arabic






russian, polish

Aleksandra B.

Aleksandra B.

russian, polish

Natalia L.

Natalia L.




english, german, portuguese



polish, ukrainian

Julia C.

Julia C.


Julia M.

Julia M.































english, norwegian













Dominika K.

Dominika K.


Weronika G.

Weronika G.







english, german










Natalia F.


My name is Natalia and I have been teaching English for many years – which makes me not only a professional in terms of fluency in a foreign language, but also in terms of working with people and teaching. I am familiar with the nuances of the English language, and I am effective in helping my students cope with them. I believe that with an effort from me, as well as from you, you are able to enhance your English to a considerable extent. I will make all efforts to ensure that this is the case.
My classes are conducted almost exclusively in the foreign language, so you are sure to overcome your language barrier with my help. Although I adapt the materials according to the needs of my Students and their language abilities, they always focus on the most essential element: speaking. I also provide a practical approach to language learning, so if you are facing important exams or new language-related responsibilities at work, I invite you to come to class with me. I guarantee a friendly and professional atmosphere.
Below you will find some information about me. I have been developing my passion for the English language ever since I was a child, which culminated in my graduation from the Applied Linguistics Department of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. To broaden my competences, I am also studying foreign languages in media and business. Language teaching is not only my profession, but above all my passion and vocation.



My name is Monika and I study German at the University of Warsaw.

I have been learning German for 9 years and I’m developing my language skills all the time.

During my studies, I participated in a study trip to Germany. Thanks to it, I had the opportunity to get to know German culture better, make friends with German students, and improve my language skills.

In my free time I travel, crochet, read books and listen to podcasts in German.

I enjoy teaching very much. I love teaching in a creative way and my lessons always have a friendly atmosphere. I would like to inspire as many students as possible to learn German!

See you in class!

Jessica J.

english, german, japanese

I’m Jessica, and I’m inviting you to join my German, English, and Japanese classes.

I come from both Poland and Germany, so I grew up speaking both languages. I did my master’s in Japanology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and spent a year on a scholarship at Chiba University in Japan. I’ve also gained valuable international teaching experience across different age groups, from children to adults.

Living, working, and studying in places like Poland, Germany, Japan, the US, and India got me interested in intercultural communication and psychology, and I would love to share that with you. My classes are all about what you need and what interests you. We’ll work on using the language practically, building up your vocabulary, and exploring cultures. You can expect conversations, articles and videos targeted at native speakers, plus some pronunciation practice and cultural insights.

It’s really important to me that the classes are interesting for you and have a relaxed atmosphere – learning’s way more efficient when you’re enjoying it!

See you!



My name is Emilia and I am a graduate in Italian Philology. During my lessons, I would like to instill in you a love for Italy – the country of art, music, and delicious cuisine, which I had the opportunity to explore during a year-long student exchange in Italy. I hope to prove that learning a language, while demanding, can be enjoyable. Knowing languages is worthwhile! I emphasize speaking, which is an important and satisfying aspect of learning. Teaching others brings me joy, and I approach each student individually.

Personally, I am a lover of the Polish mountains and music (so I will definitely recommend many Italian musical gems to you).

I invite you to join my classes in a friendly atmosphere and assure you that the pronunciation of Italian dish names and car brands will no longer be a mystery!

Ci vediamo! I hope! 😊

Natalia S.



my name is Natalia and I would like to invite you to learn German together! I was born in Germany, where I spent 12 years of my life growing up bilingual. For as long as I can remember, German has always been my passion, which is why I decided to study German philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, majoring in translation and interpreting, and graduated in 2024. However, I do not stop there and continue my education to increase my competences and deepen my knowledge. For several years now, I have been teaching German language classes that are individually tailored to my students. I place the greatest emphasis on conversation and pronunciation, interspersed also with grammar exercises to improve the expressions of my charges. During the lessons I try to create a friendly atmosphere which helps to break down any language barriers, making learning pure pleasure! 



My name is Mateusz and I am a graduate in German Philology, as well as an Ambassador of the German language at the Goethe-Institut in Warsaw. This year, I will also begin postgraduate studies in “Wirtschaft auf Deutsch” in Warsaw. During my studies, I pursued two specializations: teaching and translation. I have had the opportunity to study in Karlsruhe as part of the Erasmus+ program and to participate in five Polish-German exchanges organized by the University of Rzeszów in cooperation with the Oberstufen-Kolleg at the University of Bielefeld. I am also doing an internship at the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Rzeszów. I have experience in teaching the German language. I focus on practical language use, but my lessons also include work on other language skills that are important in the process of learning a foreign language. I guarantee a friendly atmosphere and learning in a stress-free, supportive manner.



Millersville University
B.S. (Bachelor of Science)
Hey! I’m a native speaker from Washington D.C. living in Warsaw. I’ve been teaching English to students globally for the past 7 years. Thanks to my experience with clients of varying ages, occupations, and levels of English I’ve been able to develop courses that produce real life results. I pride myself on interactive classes that push you to reach your full potential while also being entertaining. My teaching style is unique, I want my students to not only be prepared to pass written/oral exams but be able to use their English effectively at work and in leisure. If you feel like you’re stuck at the same level and/or ready to take the next step in your English progression,come start classes with me!



My name is Anita and I would like to invite you to German lessons. This language is my great passion,
which is why I graduated from Germanic philology. I value the accuracy, orderliness and sound of this
language. I am a teacher with many years of experience and practice. I gained practice and
apprenticeship not only during my philology studies, but also through active contact with Germans
and a stay in Germany to shape the language. Students break the language barrier with me, begin to
talk and learn aspects of the German language. Conversations, business language: primarily medical (
by virtue of my second profession), preparation for exams or life in another German-speaking
country are not foreign to me. I share knowledge in an accessible way. Satisfaction with the visible
progress of my students motivates me to be even more involved.




My name is Cara and I am a native speaker from Australia living in Poland. I am a TEFL certified English language teacher and I have been teaching adult students globally since 2020.

I believe one of the main goals of learning a language is to have the ability to effectively express oneself and communicate with others. I have a communicative approach to language learning where the focus is on using the language in the real world and improving overall fluency. My passion is to motivate you to speak English with confidence and to ensure that you learn in a patient, comfortable and fun environment.

In my free time I love to travel, go hiking and be in the outdoors!

See you in class!



Hello! My name is Nadine, I’m a native german speaker, since I was born in Germany. I’m also a graduate in german studies. During my lessons I put emphasis on speaking and using the everyday language. I base my lessons not only on school books but also on videos and games to make learning even more fun. Hope to see you soon!



My name is Alvaro and I’m from Spain. In my Spanish classes you can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere where learning feels like chatting with a friend.
I tailor each lesson to your needs, making sure you feel comfortable and confident on yourself.

We will have engaging conversations that will help you break those insecurities that you may have, all while diving into new vocabulary and grammar.
Let’s break the ice and embark on this exciting journey together!




I’m Zuzia, a graduate in English Philology from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where I continue to expand my knowledge.

English has always been close to my heart, and I derive immense pleasure from sharing this enthusiasm with others. I am a creative and patient person who is always looking for interesting and modern solutions.

Privately, I am a huge fan of literature and crocheting.

I hope to see you soon!


russian, polish

„Z języków najtrudniej nauczyć się wspólnego języka” (A. Kumor)

Od najmłodszych lat fascynowały mnie języki obce, co dziś doprowadziło mnie do miejsca, w którym jestem. Zamiłowanie do literatury rosyjskiej i pragnienie czytania jej w oryginale sprawiło, że jestem nauczycielem akademickim na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie (posiadam stopień doktora w zakresie literaturoznawstwa rosyjskiego). Dzięki kontaktom ze studentami obcokrajowcami odkryłam moją drugą pasję – nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego, którą realizuję na Politechnice Lubelskiej jako lektor języka polskiego (ukończyłam kwalifikacyjne studia podyplomowe zakresie nauczania jpjo) oraz prowadząc zajęcia on-line. Ponadto pracuję jako tłumacz-freelancer (ru – pl, pl – ru). Jestem egzaminatorem w oficjalnym ośrodku egzaminacyjnym jpjo, native speakerem języka polskiego, filologiem (ukończyłam filologię rosyjską z językiem białoruskim, znam podstawy języka ukraińskiego).

Na swoich zajęciach teorię ograniczam do minimum (mogę objaśniać zagadnienia gramatyczne w języku rosyjskim), skupiając się na praktycznych umiejętnościach językowych,(sprawdzanych podczas egzaminu państwowego oraz przydatnych w życiu codziennym). Materiał dostosowuję do poziomu językowego Uczniów (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2), wykorzystując różnorodne platformy internetowe do nauki języka oraz materiały interaktywne, a także materiały autorskie. W przypadku przygotowywania do egzaminu skupiam się na tych elementach, które oceniane są podczas części ustnej egzaminu, doskonalimy umiejętność pisania form, których znajomość jest sprawdzana w części pisemnej. Jeśli Słuchacze nie planują zdawania egzaminu, ale zależy im na doskonaleniu umiejętności komunikacji, tematy konwersacji dobieram do zainteresowania Grupy, każdy Uczeń ma możliwość zaproponowania własnego tematu. Skupiam się też na „żywym” języku z elementami języka nienormatywnego, aby każdy czuł się pewnie i swobodnie podczas naturalnych kontaktów z Polakami.

Zapraszam na moje zajęcia – na pewno znajdziemy wspólny język! 😊



¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?

Nazywam się Kamila i od kilku lat zajmuję się nauczaniem języka hiszpańskiego jak również tłumaczeniem tekstów specjalistycznych. Ukończyłam Hispanistykę na Uniwersytecie UMCS w Lublinie i od tamtej pory stale poszerzam swoją wiedzę nie tylko językową, ale również kulturową. Cała moja przygoda z tym językiem rozpoczęła się już 6 lat temu i nieustannie trwa. W trakcie prowadzenia zajęć, stawiam największy nacisk na poprawną wymowę, umiejętność swobodnej rozmowy i rozumienie części słuchanej, zważywszy na to, że każdy z tych elementów odgrywa istotną rolę w komunikacji, co jest najważniejsze w nauce jakiegokolwiek języka.

Do każdego ucznia podchodzę w sposób indywidualny, dlatego też każde zajęcia będę przygotowywać według Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań. Nauczę Cię nie tylko najbardziej przydatnego słownictwa, ale także ze mną poznasz język formalny, który może okazać się niezbędny na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej albo na spotkaniu biznesowym jak również język kolokwialny, ten, który z pewnością usłyszysz na ulicach Hiszpanii bądź w krajach hiszpańskojęzycznych. Moim głównym celem jest zarażenie Ciebie pasją do języka, historii, literatury i kultury hiszpańskiej oraz latynoamerykańskiej.

Mam nadzieję, że widzimy się niebawem. ¡Hasta pronto!



I’m Lauren, a native English speaker born in the United Kingdom but currently living in Gdynia. I’ve been teaching English as a foreign language for over 4 years now and I take great pride in helping people progress and flourish on their English learning journeys!

With a background in teaching both one-to-one and group lessons, I have extensive experience delivering webinars for business English. I also specialize in helping students with interview techniques and am TEFL certified, ensuring a professional and effective approach to language instruction.

My teaching philosophy focuses on making classes relevant and interesting, tailored to the individual needs of each student. I believe that learning should be an engaging and enjoyable experience, which is why I incorporate a variety of interactive methods and real-world applications into my lessons. My good interpersonal skills allow me to build rapport with people of all ages and backgrounds, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

In my spare time, I love to travel, exploring new places and cultures, which continually enriches my teaching practice with fresh perspectives and insights. I’m passionate about fitness, regularly going to the gym, and enjoying outdoor activities, especially at the beach. My diverse interests and experiences contribute to a well-rounded and dynamic approach to teaching.

I’m really looking forward to meeting some of you in class and embarking on this exciting journey of learning English together!

Natalia M.



My name is Natalia. I completed my bachelor’s degree in German Philology at the University of Wrocław, and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree with a specialization in translation studies.

For many years, I have been passionately teaching German to both children and adults. I constantly improve my language skills to provide the best support for my students in their learning journey.

In my classes, you will find a friendly and motivating atmosphere that promotes effective learning. The lessons are individually tailored to meet the needs of my students, enabling each one to achieve their language goals.

In my free time, I enjoy doing sports, dancing, and reading books, which helps me relax and inspires my teaching.

I warmly invite you to join my classes and embark on the journey of learning German together.

See you soon!



Hello, my name is Alana and I’m from Leicester, which is located in the East Midlands region of England. My accent is quite neutral as I’ve been teaching English for over 9 years and living abroad for more than 10 years now. I’m passionate about foreign languages as well as my own – I studied German and Italian and now I’m learning Spanish and Polish, as my husband and his family are from Poland. My husband and I both work remotely so we enjoy travelling during the cold winter months. So far we have spent time in Asia and South America, as well as a few European countries. Last winter we travelled through Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. As well as travelling, I love hiking, running, crafting, gardening and listening to podcasts.

I’ve been teaching English as a foreign language to international professionals for 9+ years. I have years of experience teaching online and have worked for many international schools. I specialise in Business English, English for interviews and everyday/conversational English. I also prepare students for exams such as FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher, IELTS and University entrance exams.

I’m looking forward to meeting new students and helping them reach their English goals with fun and interesting content.



Ewa is an experienced teacher, US attorney and  a member of the Arizona Bar Association.  She holds an M.A. in English and a Juris Doctorate (J.D) in Law from Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California. She also studied at Arizona State University and did post-graduate coursework at University of California-Berkeley. 

Ewa worked for the American Civil Liberties Union and later as a trial attorney in  the Maricopa County Office of the Public Defender in Phoenix, Arizona,  where she was promoted to senior associate attorney in 2007. She handled numerous serious and complex cases, gained substantial experience in court-room trial practice and procedure, and took many cases to trial. In addition to trying cases, Ewa participated in hundreds of depositions, settlement conferences, pre-trial and post-trial hearings and meetings involving all stages of legal process. Currently, Ewa teaches law,  legal English, as well as business and general English.

Ewa enjoys teaching and has long experience in working with adults in group and individual courses. She taught English in a private language school in Berkeley, California. Her courses were designed for students and working professionals from non-English speaking countries. She has taught a varied public of different ages, social conditions, and origins, including students from Asia, South America, and Europe.


– “Bribery Culture, or the Republic of Złoties,” Bad Subjects 48, March 2000

– “Blacks and Reds in Polish Technicolor,” Bad Subjects 46, October 1999

– “May Day in Bielsko,” Bad Subjects 45, May 1999



– GGU School of Law Merit Tuition Scholar Award (academic achievement award), 2000

– Moot Court competition, semi-finalist, 2001

– Academic Performance Award (academic achievement award), 2002

-Professional Performance Award (professional achievement award), July 2009 and October 2009


– “ELSA 101: Ethical, legal and societal aspects of nanotechnology,”

– Lecture at the Chemie-Cluster Bayern conference, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2010


In addition to General English and Business English, Ewa can teach:

– contract law;

– property law including intellectual property;

– tort law;

-employment law including HR;

– civil & criminal procedure 

Jessica P.


My name is Jessica, I was born in Canada and in the childhood I lived in Germany.

I’m studying german at the University of Gdańsk – german has always been close to me and I want to continue to develop in this direction.

Foreign languages are my passion, I read books and watch series in german, in the free time I’m also learning french.

I love to travel and the knowledge of foreign languages makes it easier, that’s why I would like to share my experiences and help others to learn german!


english, german

Hi! I’m Maya and I would love to see you in my German or English classes!  

I’m a Polish-American native with a passion for linguistics, literature, music and teaching. I  was born in Warsaw, Poland but I’ve also spent a big part of my childhood and adolescence living also in Hamburg, Germany and Philadelphia, USA. Currently, I’m a master’s student in German language and philology at Warsaw University.  

Apart from this however, I’ve also completed a four-year course in Jazz Vocals at the F.  Chopin Music School in Warsaw and was in law school for two years before transitioning  into language and philology. Because of this, I have extensive knowledge in multiple fields  which allows me to tailor my lessons to different students and in a wide range of subjects.  

With over three years of English and German tutoring experience, I mostly focus on  expanding my students’ vocabulary and fluency in both languages through conversation lessons. By using materials like videos, articles, studies and interactive online games, I help my students to absorb as much information as possible while discussing interesting topics in  fun and engaging ways.  

Please check out my video below for more information about me. I’m looking forward to  meeting you face-to-face! 



Hello, my name is Laura. My academic journey has led me to an advanced stage in Germanic studies, enabling me to deepen my understanding of the German language, a constant presence in my life. Throughout these years, my studies have allowed me to explore the intricacies of this language, discovering my passion for sharing knowledge and the art of teaching it. I’m eager to share with you everything I’ve accumulated: knowledge, experience, and most importantly, a passion for the German language. Together, we will face the challenge of learning German, overcoming any language barriers that might stand in our way. I warmly invite you to join me on this adventure with the German language, which will begin in my classes. See you there!



Hi, my name is Oliwia and I’m a native speaker from England with a background in Law from the University of Warsaw. I am a creative and enthusiastic person with a passion to make learning English enjoyable and accessible to everyone. In my free time, I enjoy reading, learning languages, and travelling around Europe.

I have experience teaching students at all levels and can tailor classes to meet your specific needs. I believe that in the right atmosphere, anyone can feel comfortable enough to grow their confidence and start speaking English more easily – and that’s what I strive to do in my classes.

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey with English, wanting to pass specific exams, or work on your fluency when speaking, come start classes with me.



I am a native speaker and have lived in Poland since 2004, so I also speak Polish. I work for various German-language corporate projects. I have been running German language courses regularly for over 10 years. Thanks to this, I work with people living not only in Poland, but also in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, etc. I teach all levels of proficiency – especially:
– Preparation for Goethe, TELC, Studies, …
– Preparation for job interviews
– Preparation for travel abroad
– Conversations
– German in negotiations and business
– Preparation for traveling abroad to work
– Learning to understand written texts
– Learning to formulate written statements.
I put a lot of emphasis on speaking to break the language barrier.



Are you ready to conquer a new frontier? Equip yourselves with the power of English language proficiency and enhance your communication skills with this specialized English language training program!

I’m Łukasz, a dedicated language educator   with a passion for teaching and a wealth of expertise. I hold a degree in English Studies, equipping me with in-depth knowledge of the English language and its intricacies. With  strong academic background, I understand the challenges you may face in mastering English, especially in a military context. Moreover, I graduated from University with a master degree in psychology. I possess a  STANAG 4 certificate, making me well-versed in the specific requirements and expectations of the examination. As a former military officer, I understand the importance of effective communication in the military. That’s why I have developed a comprehensive English language curriculum tailored specifically for soldiers like you. Whether you’re an aspiring officer, a  veteran, or preparing for international missions, this program is designed to meet your unique needs.



my name is Magda and I have a master’s degree in German philology. My specialties are translation studies, pedagogy and literary studies. I value self-development so on weekends I study Oligophrenopedagogy, because I believe that every person should have equal opportunities and education. German language and culture of German-speaking countries is my passion. I have experience in teaching children as well as adults. I do not leave questions unanswered and I believe that the most important thing is an individual approach to each student.

Natalia K.



I am Natalia and will gladly share my knowledge and enthusiasm for English. This language has always been close to me, especially once I have started engaging in international exchanges and got a Cambridge certification. Currently I’m studying social sciences and spending a year of my programme at a university abroad. That enables me to improve my language skills and explore the diversity of cultures. When it comes to my teaching, I prioritize an individual approach and a friendly atmosphere. Apart from teaching, which brings me lots of satisfaction, I enjoy travelling, music and a good sense of humour. See you!


english, arabic

My name is Mariam and I’m from Syria. I was raised speaking two languages which made me very interested to learn more.
I’ve been teaching Arabic and English for 8 years and as a language learner myself I understand that every student has their own way of learning, so I’m very flexible with my methods.



My name is Arek, and I live in Poznań, where I completed my German studies with a teaching specialization at Adam Mickiewicz University. During my studies, I developed skills in translation and also gained knowledge of specialized languages in fields such as law and medicine. Additionally, I am a recipient of several Erasmus+ programs.

Teaching is my passion, which I continually enhance by delving into the intricacies of language education, primarily through practice, as I have been providing German language tutoring for several years now. During this time, I have worked with both preschoolers and seniors. This makes me eager to collaborate with anyone, regardless of age or skill level.

My interests include, above all, traveling, German-language literature, and tennis.


russian, polish

Susanne is a person with a deep passion for teaching, possessing extensive experience in imparting language skills, leveraging her knowledge of the Polish language and culture. Known for her patience, empathy, and creating a motivating atmosphere in the classroom, she pays attention to the individual needs of each student, using a variety of teaching methods. She is fluent in Russian and English, and also has a B2 level in Norwegian. She graduated in Russian Philology from the University of Silesia.

Aleksandra B.

russian, polish

My name is Aleksandra and I’m a Polish native speaker. I’ve graduated from the Jagiellonian University with a master’s degree in Russian Studies. I’m also fully qualified and dedicated to my work as a language teacher. Thanks to my experience with clients of different ages from various countries and extra courses that I’ve finished, I’m able to explain complex issues in a simple way and using language understandable to the foreigner. During lessons use mixed and appropriate teaching methods to show my students not only the main but also the subtle vocabulary, grammar and culture differences between Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and English. I’m a talkative person and I want my students to be creative, so during classes I encourage everyone to take part in a discussion on the up-to-date topics.

To broaden my competences, after graduating from the university I also took up postgraduate Speech Therapy studies and BA English studies, which help me to develop my skills in educating.

Privately, I am a bookworm fond of listening to rock music and taking care of my bunnies.

See you soon!

Natalia L.


Natalia is an English teacher, scientist, and coach. She takes a holistic approach to her students’ academic needs, focusing on what is important to achieve their language fluency, confidence, and motivation in learning.

She conducts her classes in a pleasant atmosphere and provides appropriate teaching materials.

For those who are willing, she offers language coaching. This diagnoses, for instance, the causes of their language barrier, gaps in grammar and vocabulary, and other elements that need to be improved. On this basis, a language goal and steps for achieving it are set. Her students can rapidly achieve success and satisfaction.


english, german, portuguese

Hi, Sandra from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil here. I’m an English, German and Portuguese teacher and also Journalist and feel happy to help you improve your foreign languages skills.



polish, ukrainian


My name is Inessa and I have been teaching Polish and Ukrainian for over 6 years. I come from sunny Odessa, so in class I try to  create nice atmosphere with full of satisfaction of learning foreign languages. I am a graduate of the University of Warsaw in the field of Polish philology. I love Poland, so I am happy to talk about the culture and traditions of this country. Nevertheless, I focus on communication on my lessons, so I love to learn about the interests, hobbies and stories of my students, raise various topics and provoke discussions.

I learned Polish myself from scratch, so I know what methods work. I try to make every activity interesting and fascinating, even if we are talking about the conjugation of the verb 🙂

Looking forward to our meeting!

Julia C.



My name is Julia.

French is my second native language as I was born in Belgium. I study French philology with Spanish. 

Learning languages ​​has always been one of my interests. That’s why the chosen field of study will allow me to deepen my knowledge of the culture of Francophone and Spanish-speaking countries. During the classes, I put emphasis on correct pronunciation and practical use of vocabulary, because I know that it’s important while learning a language. By knowing the language, we have the opportunity to travel and learn about other cultures and customs. Also it’s easier to make new friends.

See you!

Julia M.


My name is Julia, and I spent most of my life in Hamburg, where I was born, grew up, and attended school. My academic interests are centered around German studies, which I pursued at the University of Gdańsk. German is my native language and a passion that I continue to develop. I aim to constantly evolve my language skills. I would like to pass on my passion and facilitate the learning of German through conversation and exercises. I am patient and easily connect with students, which I consider essential in the educational process.





My name is Patrycja, I hold a Master’s degree in English Philology from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.


English has accompanied me since my early years of primary school, and while at the beginning it was simply my favorite subject at school, it later became an important element of my life. Thanks to  studies, I was able to deepen and develop my interests, and now teaching allows me to meet and get to know new, wonderful people.


I also want to show you that language is not only exams and certificates, but above all a tool thanks to which we can understand others and talk, which is why a relaxed atmosphere during classes and an individual approach to each person are important to me. I believe I learn as much from my students as I teach them (if not more).


Privately, I love traveling and discovering new places (especially with my husband on a motorcycle). I like fantasy books (especially The Lord of the Rings), the Star Wars universe, RPG and MMORPG computer games, and above all I love forests and trees.



Hello! My name is Dawid. In life, I focus on pleasures 😉 And can you imagine a greater pleasure than giving depth to your interests through work? I don’t think so. That’s why in my professional life, I have chosen to develop my passion for languages. I am a graduate of bachelor’s and master’s studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice. It was there, in Russian philology (translation specialty), that I learned the intricacies of the language with which one can communicate not only in Russia but also in other CIS countries. The chosen path proved to be a bullseye. I have been professionally active since 2017. That’s when I began my doctoral studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice, during which I dedicate myself to researching translations of Polish travel reports into Russian. In the university halls, I also took my first steps as a language teacher – I had the immense pleasure of conducting classes in Russian and translating scientific texts. In 2019, I discovered a new field to utilize my skills – teaching Polish. Since then, I have also been associated with the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza, where I continually fulfill the mission of guiding through Polish language and its popularizer through tutorial classes and language courses. I already have over 1500 hours of teaching experience and have developed many e-learning courses and online exams. Working with a group, using original materials, and utilizing the Internet as a medium that supports language teaching – this is definitely my element. Polish language from scratch, improving the skills acquired by students, analyzing and translating specialized texts, or conversations on the issues of the modern world – these are just some of my favorite aspects of the job. Openness, overcoming challenges, and discovering new things. Learning Polish is not a problem to solve; it’s an adventure to experience. Want to try? I invite you!





My name is Wiktor, and I’m currently a law student at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt Oder. For nearly three years, I’ve been living in Germany. I have a substantial base of materials, knowledge of the “living” language, and, most importantly, some experience in teaching the German language. Furthermore, I am a certified language intermediary and a regular participant in various events related to DPJW.


Thanks to my experiences during my studies and as a language intermediary, I’m able to offer you lessons that will not only help you learn the German language but also provide practical skills for communication and negotiation in the context of work and everyday life. Whether you’re preparing for a German language exam or need support in the business world, I’m here to guide you through this fascinating journey.


During my lessons, I focus on interactivity, engaging exercises, and real-life situations where the German language is essential. My mission is to make learning not only effective but also satisfying.


Join me, and together, we’ll explore the intricacies of the German language and its applications in practice.


Together, we will achieve success!


Best regards, 




My name is Kasia and I am a graduate of Scandinavian studies at University of Gdansk. Swedish language amazed me with its beautiful melody, simplicity and logic so that is why I’ve decided to work with it more. This is how I’ve become a teacher myself. I’ve been sharing my passion for Swedish with my students for many years now. During my courses I focus on conversations and practical vocabulary. I always try to incorporate some interesting discussions, articles or programs about Sweden into my classes. After all – a language is not only about words and grammar, but also about understanding people and culture. My methods are always adapted to student’s proficiency, interests and needs. So, if you want to learn Swedish, get to know Swedish culture, prepare to move to this country, speak more fluently and maybe even pass TISUS or SWEDEX exams – then you will definitely find something for yourself in my classes.



Hello everyone. My name is Islam, I am Egyptian, and I have been living in Poland for 8 years.

I am eager to help anyone learn the Arabic language (also known as Modern Standard Arabic). Arabic is my native language. I speak Polish and English very well, so there won’t be any problem with explanations 🙂 🙂

I have been teaching the language for six years. In our classes, we practice pronunciation, conversation, grammar, as well as writing and reading. I am also happy to talk about Arabic culture. I will tailor the learning methods to your needs.

I always motivate and encourage learning, which is very important with such a challenge as learning Arabic.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.



Meet Michaela, a German language teacher, who combines a passion for teaching with an impressive academic and professional background. Michaela is currently a PhD candidate at the Warsaw School of Economics, where she delves into the intricacies of economics and finance. She holds a Master’s degree in International Financial Markets from SGH and has rich musical experience, acquired during her jazz studies on saxophone and piano at renowned institutions like Offene Jazz Haus Schule in Cologne.

Her education in German Studies at the University of Wroclaw, encompassing both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, provided her with a solid foundation for teaching the German language at all levels of proficiency. Being a native speaker, Michaela brings to her lessons both a profound knowledge of the language and German culture, which is invaluable in the teaching process.

In her professional career, Michaela has taught German in various contexts, including in corporations and businesses, providing courses tailored to specific business needs. Her ability to impart language skills and knowledge in practical business applications is highly valued by professionals and managers.

As a teacher, Michaela utilizes her extensive life and professional experience to inspire her students. She passionately conveys knowledge of the German language, while also showcasing its practical applications in various aspects of professional and cultural life. Her teaching methods are always tailored to the individual needs and goals of each student, allowing for maximum effectiveness in learning the German language.



Hello! My name is Clayton, and I specialize in tutoring business professionals in English. Over the past six years, I have lived in Europe, refining my skills and understanding the specific needs of non-native English speakers in professional settings.

My approach is unique and efficient, focusing on personalized learning to ensure rapid and effective progress. As a native speaker and certified tutor, I emphasize cultural understanding alongside language skills, helping you navigate English communication with confidence.

Join me to elevate your business English and gain the confidence you need in professional environments. Let’s work together to achieve your language goals!





My name is Isabella and I am from Germany. I have been fascinated by foreign languages since I started to learn different languages in school. While studying translation I haven’t only deepened my knowledge of French and Polish, but also of my mother tongue, German. My studies in Poland, Germany and Switzerland gave me the opportunity of being in various international environments, where I was able to get know different cultures and languages, but also to share my knowledge and to teach German. That’s how I discovered how much I enjoy teaching, which later became my main occupation. I like to help the participants of my courses to discover my mother tongue and to improve their communication skills with every lesson and to see how they become more confident when speaking German. A particularly important part of my lessons, regardless of the language level, are conversations. All of my courses are tailored to the needs and interest of every student and a variety of materials makes sure that the lessons are interesting and motivating.


english, norwegian

Torgeir, a seasoned teacher of Norwegian and English, boasts over 30 years of teaching experience across Norway, Poland, and the USA. He is not only an educator but also a profound researcher with a keen interest in social and cultural analysis, education, and the intersections between art and literature. Torgeir has an impressive academic background, holding degrees from the University of Oslo (PPU) and the University of Minnesota (MA), along with two PhDs in Media Philosophy and Cultural Theory. This extensive education underscores his dedication to exploring the nuances of culture, language, and media.

In his teaching, Torgeir strives to create friendly and rewarding learning experiences, emphasizing the importance of understanding cultural and linguistic contexts. Beyond his professional endeavors, Torgeir enjoys reading, watching television, and looking after his cats, showcasing his multifaceted personality and interests. His research and publications significantly contribute to the fields of cultural theory and education, reflecting his commitment to academic excellence and the enrichment of his students’ learning experiences.



My name is Sandra, and I am excited to offer you German language courses. My background includes studying German philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and specializing in technical languages such as law, economics, and technology. The German language and the culture of German-speaking countries have been a passion of mine for many years. I place high importance on direct engagement with the language, which is why I spend every possible moment in Germany, enhancing my linguistic skills continuously.

I have a wealth of experience in teaching both children and adults. I believe that the key to effective language learning lies in an individual approach to each student and tailoring the requirements to their abilities.

I invite you to join my classes!



¡Hola! My name is Martyna and it’s my pleasure to share my passion for the Spanish language, drawing on my experience from my studies in Spanish Philology at the University of Wroclaw, including two semesters spent in Spain in Alicante and Madrid through the Erasmus project. My teaching approach emphasizes tailoring methods and materials to the individual needs and preferences of each student. I aim to use a variety of resources and personalized activities to ensure that learning is effective and meaningful. I have experience teaching conversation, grammar, formal vocabulary, and colloquial expressions used in everyday situations.



Hello, I am Kuba. I have been teaching German as a foreign language for five years so far. In 2023, I graduated from the University of Wroclaw. I earned my master’s degree in German Studies there. The same year I decided to challenge myself a bit, therefore I started a new degree at the University of Vienna. I study romance philology there. 


I am using polish, german, english and spanish on a daily basis, because I have been also surrounded by an international circle since I was chilled. I think it’s essential to know how the daily life and the culture works in the country of your target language, that’s why I usually underline the intercultural differences in our classes. The classes are divided into following segments: Conversation, grammar, vocabulary and also on content which is made for native speakers. It’s usually a song, article or a short video. The used content is adapted with topics that you find interesting. 



 My name is Hubert and I invite you to have effective lessons with me! I am a German language teacher with many years of experience in teaching. Teaching is not only my passion, but also translating specialist texts, which skills I acquired during my studies in German philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and during my practice. I have spent many years in German-speaking environments and I am a scholarship holder of the ERASMUS+ program in Germany. I offer lessons that bring results from the very first class. The most important thing for me is individual approach to the student and free communication during the lessons. I warmly invite you to have lessons with me!

Dominika K.



My name is Dominika, and I’m currently studying Germanistics with English at the Jagiellonian University. I have also gained practical experience working with both English- and German-speaking clients. My studies and direct contact with native speakers have allowed me to deepen my understanding of not only the languages but also the cultural environments of English- and German-speaking countries.


Learning languages is my great passion, but I’m even more satisfied when I can share my knowledge with others. I try to adjust the form of my lessons to the individual needs and interests of my pupils—acquiring new skills is always most effective when it builds on the things we know and like. Therefore, we will talk about topics you are most passionate about, and I promise that the new language skills will allow you to deepen your knowledge in other fields. You will have access to plenty of new resources in a new language. Languages mean new possibilities!


The form of my lessons is not strict and will be adjusted to your needs and goals. Do you want to use the new language at work? We will focus on vocabulary you can use in that context. Do you want to overcome your speaking barrier? We will concentrate on casual conversations. We will tackle all the important language skills you need to master communication in a given language, with an emphasis on the ones you want to focus on the most.


See you soon!/Bis bald!

Weronika G.


Hello! My name is Weronika, and I am an experienced English teacher specializing in adult education. With passion, I help my students break language barriers, develop communication skills, and achieve their professional and personal goals.

For over 5 years, I have been teaching English, working with both individual students and companies. My qualifications include language certificates, the IB diploma (International Baccalaureate), and studies in American Studies at Jagiellonian University. I have worked with people at various levels of proficiency, from beginners to advanced learners.

My lessons are tailored to the individual needs of each student. I use modern teaching methods that combine theory with practice. I focus on conversations, interactive exercises, and authentic materials such as newspaper articles, films, and podcasts. This makes learning both interesting and effective.



My name is Elżbieta and I come from Gliwice. I graduated from Germanic philology at the University of Opole and human resource management at Jagiellonian University. I am interested in psychology, psychotherapy and criminology. I started teaching German 14 years ago and it gives me great joy when I see the progress of my students.
In September I will start my adventure at the Gestalt Institute in Cracow to fulfill my dream of providing psychological help. In my free time, I take walks with music or a e-book on my ears or tend my garden. I am a patient, cheerful person with a lot of empathy.


english, german

Hello, do you dream of communicating fluently in German or English? Do you want to raise your language skills to the highest level? You’ve come to the right place!

I am a graduate of German and English philology, I also have Goethe Zertifikat C2 and C1 Advanced. Additionally, I am an experienced teacher and lecturer (doctor of social sciences).

Thanks to my knowledge and experience, I will help you achieve your language goals in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

I guarantee an individual approach: each student is unique. I offer personalized learning programs tailored to your needs and goals.

I focus on the practical use of the language, which allows you to master it quickly and effectively.

I use authentic materials, the latest textbooks and interactive exercises that will make learning easier and more enjoyable.

I run individual and group courses: adapted to various levels of advancement – from beginners to advanced.

I also provide assistance in preparing for language exams such as Goethe-Zertifikat, OSD, Cambridge English.

I also offer conversation courses: classes focusing on the practical use of language in everyday situations.

Don’t wait! Invest in yourself and your language skills. Classes with me are never boring, together we will definitely achieve your goal. 



I am an English language instructor with over 15 years of experience, specializing in working with clients from various industries, backgrounds, and origins. My passion for exploring and understanding linguistic phenomena drives me to action, also inspiring my students.

My practice focuses on dynamic and unconventional teaching methods that allow the discovery of the fascinating attributes of the English language, breaking down barriers and freeing expression. With significant experience, I am able to effectively enhance my students’ language skills. My priority is to enable the understanding of mechanisms (primarily contextualization) that will forever change your approach to learning English. I emphasize pragmatism and ergonomics -> Learn smartly without the routine and tedious page-turning in a textbook!


Specializations and Skills:

– Full personalization and empathy in conducting classes, tailored to the individual needs of students.

– Constructing proprietary teaching strategies based on cognitive sciences and supported by the latest AI advancements.

– Creating educational materials covering a wide range of topics, from business, e-commerce, and technology, to sciences, marketing, accounting, fintech, social media, HR, culture, and current events.

Teaching Methodology:

– Motivating students through practical examples of the potential of the English language, gathered during regular observations, research, and analysis of authentic content.

– A methodology rooted in the fundamental principles of cognitive sciences, enhanced with phenomenal AI tools.

– Professional conduct of individual and group classes, regardless of the students’ proficiency levels.

– Systematic monitoring of learning progress, ensuring continuous improvement of language skills (OKR / S.M.A.R.T)


I am driven not only by teaching English as an indispensable tool for effective communication in today’s realities but also by the opportunity to inspire and map out paths for developing each student’s competencies and potential. Feel free to contact me if you are ready for a concrete strategy for acquiring the English language, compatible with the latest trends and scientific principles. Your mindset about learning and communication will change dramatically and instantly! You will see that you don’t have to be worn out and marinate in monotony while learning English.

Act smartly and briskly!



My name is Robin and I am a native English teacher from the United States.

I have over 10 years of experience teaching English to language learners all over the world. I greatly enjoyed living abroad for several years in both Mexico and Poland.

I love meeting people from a variety of countries and cultures. I am passionate about seeing you excel in reaching your English speaking goals. Though I can teach you the complex grammar rules, my greatest strength is in supporting you to overcome any insecurities you have about expressing yourself naturally and confidently in English.

During our classes you’ll feel at ease while speaking with me at whatever English level you’re currently at and you’ll be encouraged with how quickly you can build your confidence to speak on a variety of topics.

I believe that’s when the magic really happens – when your focus is on communicating and expressing what you want to say, rather than being afraid of making mistakes.

I look forward to having the pleasure of meeting you!



¡Hola! My name is Agnieszka and in my lessons I share my passion for the Spanish language, the country I have fallen in love with and where I have settled permanently in 2020. I studied Spanish Philology with a specialisation in translation at the Vistula University of Finance and Business in Warsaw and on a year-long exchange programme at the Universidad de Almería. Still, it is teaching others and observing their progress that gives me the most fun. In my lessons, I focus on communication and breaking down language barriers. For each class, I prepare individual materials for each person and send them before the class. Each class is also a dose of new vocabulary and grammar. As a journalist, I try to cover a variety of topics in my lessons, especially related to Spain, discussing new trends, important customs and fiestas, as well as politics and history.